1. What Can I Expect From A Medication Management Consultation Call?

At Madison Avenue TMS & Psychiatry, we know that finding the right therapist is crucial to your mental health journey. That’s why we ask all new clients to begin with a complimentary 15-minute consultation call. Our skilled team will take the time to learn about your specific needs and connect you with a therapist who can help you reach your goals. Don’t delay in prioritizing your mental health—schedule your consultation call today.

2. What Can I Expect From A Medication Management Consultation Call?

During the initial trial call, we’ll develop a sustainable care plan by covering the following topics:

  • Your goals and preferences for therapy
  • Identifying the best therapist for you based on your needs and style
  • Scheduling your first virtual session and determining the frequency of sessions
  • Outlining your out-of-pocket costs and discussing insurance options
  • Addressing any questions you may have to ensure you feel confident about starting your care

Following the initial call, medication management is typically carried out in monthly virtual sessions. However, the frequency of sessions and duration of the medication course can vary according to every individual’s needs.

3. Does Madison Avenue TMS & Psychiatry Accept My Insurance?

Our services are covered by most major insurance plans, including Medicare, United Healthcare, Aetna, and Cigna. We also work with out-of-network insurers to help every patient achieve their most affordable path to better mental health.