The CDC tells us that roughly 18.4% of adults aged 65 years and older experience depression.(1) Although depression is less common in older adults than in younger adults, suicide rates are higher among older adults. Depression in older adults is often misdiagnosed or undertreated, meaning they don’t get the care…

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Recently, a patient shared their story with us, and gave us permission to share it with you. Finding the right depression treatment can transform a person’s life, and for those patients who haven’t seen results with medication and talk therapy, TMS can be the solution they never thought they’d find.…

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Depression With Kids

Parenting has its challenges, but it can be even more challenging for parents who struggle with depression. If you have children and also have depression, you’re not alone. Depression affects millions of parents in the US.  Unfortunately, depression can affect a parent’s relationship with their kids, and can increase the…

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Depression causes pain in many different ways. Depression is often associated with painful emotional states like sadness, irritability, and guilt, but it can also cause physical symptoms, like back pain and headaches. In fact, more than two-thirds of patients with depression experience pain.(1) Why does depression affect our bodies, and…

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One of the questions my patients are most eager to ask me when they start their depression treatment is, “How long does it take to recover from depression?” My answer to them is always, “It depends on the patient.” Every patient is different and therefore recovery time depends on a…

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It is estimated that between 10 and 15 percent of women develop postpartum depression, which is the onset of depression symptoms in women after having a baby.(1) Postpartum depression is treatable and has traditionally been treated with antidepressants and talk therapy. Many new mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression are reluctant…

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Anger is often a symptom of depression, though it’s one that’s less commonly recognized by depression sufferers as being related to their depression. Anger and irritability are reported in as many as one-third of patients with depression. (1) One study noted an even higher incidence (53.4%) of anger and irritability…

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For many people diagnosed with depression, especially those with severe depression, antidepressants provide welcomed relief from symptoms. However, approximately one-third of people with depression won’t see improvement in their symptoms with antidepressants, and as much as 50% will stop taking their medication due to undesirable side effects, fear of addiction,…

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Many people delay seeking help for depression because of the stigma of mental health illness and antidepressants. But antidepressants have helped many patients find relief from depression, especially patients with moderate to severe depression. (1,2)   Getting help and starting treatment early-on increases the probability of achieving remission and reduces the…

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