Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the US, affecting roughly 21 million adults.(1) Depression affects how someone feels, thinks, and can even impair their ability to perform daily tasks. Some people with severe depression may experience delusions and hallucinations, symptoms of psychosis. When patients with…

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Many people who struggle with mental health have heard of seasonal affective disorder, commonly (and perhaps aptly) abbreviated to “SAD.” SAD is a type of depression whose symptoms are impacted by changing seasons: individuals with SAD most often experience depressive episodes during the fall and winter, and start to feel…

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Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health illnesses in the US and they can oftentimes co-occur. Nearly one-half of people who are diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.(1) When someone has been diagnosed with depression and also experiences symptoms of anxiety, referred…

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Valentine’s Day, although promoted by the greeting card, flower, and other retail industries as a joyful and romantic day, can induce feelings of loneliness and depression. Human beings have evolved to seek out intimacy, and Valentine’s Day can highlight the absence of such relationships.  Valentine’s Day may feel difficult if…

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For people taking an antidepressant, it can feel frustrating when they don’t see results right away. But finding the right depression treatment can take time and often requires collaboration with your doctor. If you’re antidepressant isn’t working, don’t give up. You may need to try a different treatment option or…

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Young adulthood is a time when we go through many exciting life transitions: gaining more independence, going to college, and starting a new job. But this time in a person’s life can also be filled with many trials and difficult times, such as rapid transitions (e.g. leaving home to go…

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For most people, the holidays can be a time of joy and celebration. But for some, the holidays can be stressful and overwhelming. The emotional toll that some people experience during the holidays can contribute to depression, and it’s possible for someone who normally does not struggle with depression to…

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Depression can have many trying effects on a romantic relationship and, on the other hand, certain behaviors in a relationship can contribute to depression. The link between depression and romantic relationships can become cyclical and it’s important to understand how one affects the other.  How Depression Can Affect Your Relationship…

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If you have a friend or loved one that you suspect is depressed and you’re not sure how to help them, it’s understandable that you might feel helpless and frustrated. While you can’t fix their problems or make their depression go away, you can listen to them and encourage them…

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Research has shown that having a pet can help with depression symptoms. In addition to helping ease mild symptoms of depression, pet companionship can also ease feelings of loneliness, encourage exercise (in turn improving physical health), and help improve feelings of worth. You may be wondering, “If I’m managing symptoms…

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