Many people may not realize that a common sign of depression can include difficulty with memory (forgetfulness) and concentration. For someone with depression, the ability to multitask, remember appointments, and make payments on time can seem overwhelming and, at times, impossible. Depression affects many cognitive functions (thinking skills) that contribute…

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Antidepressants are a type of medicine to treat depression or prevent it from reoccurring, as well as help treat other conditions by affecting neurotransmitters – chemicals in the brain – in the brain. Antidepressants are sorted into “classes” based on which neurotransmitters they affect.Drugs used to treat depression include the…

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression are distinct mental disorders that, despite their differences, can be connected in some individuals. Fortunately, this also means that certain treatments can be effective in treating both. In this article, we’ll take a look at the similarities and differences between the two. OCD is classified…

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Depression is a mood disorder that can affect anyone, regardless of age, economic status, or ethnicity. Almost 5% of U.S. adults report regular feelings of depression. (1) Higher rates of depression have been linked to old age (2) and difficult socio-economic conditions (3), but there is no single cause.  People…

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Christmas can be a trying time for many of us, despite its typical association with togetherness and joy—in fact, those very expectations can just add to the pressure on our mental health. Depending on our circumstances, the holiday period can affect our mental health in different ways. Studies show that…

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While the holiday season can be a wonderful time of year, it can also be demanding and stressful. These celebrations often include travel, hosting guests, planning, preparing meals, and spending lots of money. Add to that, it’s flu and cold season, and the days are at their shortest and darkest…

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While depression is not a normal part of aging, adults aged 65 and older have an increased risk of developing depression. What’s more, is that treating late-life depression is challenging, and studies show that antidepressants aren’t as effective in older patients as they are in younger ones.(1) Treatment resistance is…

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Persistent depression (persistent depressive disorder), formerly known as dysthymia, is a chronic type of depression characterized by prolonged bouts of depression symptoms that last a minimum of two years, with no more than a two-month gap between symptoms.(1,2,3,4)  Symptoms of Persistent Depression Persistent depression shares the same symptoms as major…

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Depression is a mood disorder that affects one’s thought patterns, mood, and behavior. Common symptoms of depression include strong feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in activities that someone used to enjoy.(1) There are different approaches to treating depression, and each form of depression therapy affects the brain…

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Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the US, affecting roughly 21 million adults.(1) Depression affects how someone feels, thinks, and can even impair their ability to perform daily tasks. Some people with severe depression may experience delusions and hallucinations, symptoms of psychosis. When patients with…

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